AERO-PAC TV - videos, broadcasts and chat

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Mercury Joe, Flight 2A

Split screen view from the second Mercury Joe launch!

The Story of Nibbles at XPRS 2006

Jamie Clay's

Mercury Joe Maiden Voyage

Peter Clay's

Yeti Again at Hard Rock 2005

Peter Clay's

U.S.S. Bakula at XPRS 2004 showing some pretty radical fin flutter.

Jamie Clay's

Gumby's Space Adventure at XPRS 2001

Jamie Clay's

The Mercury Joe Story


  Rick Magnan's

Black Rock Desert rocket catos,1999

  Rick Magnan's

Black Rock Desert rocket catos,2000

  Rick Magnan's

Black Rock Desert rocket catos,2000-B

  Rick Magnan's

Black Rock Desert rocket catos, 2000-C

  Rick Magnan's

Black Rock Desert rocket catos, 2002-2005